Saturday, January 15, 2011

Good to the Last Drop

Last week I filled you in on the lack of coffee in the house I was babysitting in. When it comes to earthly necessities in my life, coffee takes the top spot. The fear that ripped through me at the realization of being snowed into a house with no coffee for who knows how long paralyzed me! And to make matters worse, there is a Starbucks just a couple miles away and no way to get there in the ice and snow, with three kids who just don't understand the importance of it all. It was just sitting there taunting me. So close, yet so far away.

So on Monday morning....God heard my plea. The heavens opened up, light streamed down from above and celestial beings sang a chorus of joy. I found coffee in the cupboard! It was off brand instant coffee that had been there for who knows how long, but it was coffee.

The moment I opened it, I thought of my dad. Growing up, every morning my dad would go downstairs, gets out his Folgers Instant Coffee. He puts a few heaping spoonfuls in his cup. Adds water and pops it into the microwave. Then he adds an ice cube. (why he doesn't heat for less time is beyond me, don't mess with a system that isn't broke I guess...) So there I was, like father like daughter. Heating up my instant coffee.

YUCK! I do not know how my dad does it, but it was nasty. Sort of grimy, you know? But I kept drinking it because I knew it was needed for my day. Before long I found creamers in the fridge, flavored ones, and added and added and added until I was pleasantly surprised by the taste. Not bad. Actually, not bad at all. It worked. The instant coffee got me through my day and kept me from the edge of insanity. (which was really for the good of mankind, or at least for the good of the three kids I was watching.)

Later in the day I read Colossians 3:14-17.

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing songs, hymns & spiritual songs, with thankfulness in our hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Now even the coolest of Christians can get a little cheesy sometimes. And now here I go...

I couldn't help but think about that cup of nasty instant coffee. It wasn't until I put the creamer, the sweet rich stuff, into it that the coffee became something that I wanted. Before it was bitter and almost unbearable to think about. Isn't that the way I am?

I have my bad days. When I can get nasty and bitter towards people. I've seen glimpses of myself where I am not walking in light and I am definitely NOT acting according to God's will.

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

When I put on love, I am tolerable. When I let the peace of Christ rule in my heart, I am lovable. When I read and know and truly let the word of Christ dwell in my heart, I walk with wisdom and sincerity. Without these things...I am a gross cup of instant coffee. I need to keep adding and adding and adding the word to my daily life to create in me something that is truly good to the last drop.


Anonymous said...

I've never commented before on an anonymous blog, but I felt really compelled to just say hello! I stumbled upon your blog here after looking up Sonic Cream Slush online, lol (after trying one for the first time today, on a whim, and being curious about the other flavor combinations out there)... The premise of your blog is cool, but I was really pleasantly surprised at the way you tie your faith in too. As a Christian, I guess it often feels like a majority of the Christian stuff I come across is so overly "holy roller" and thus kind of...alienating...but your writing really shines with true, down to earth joy, energy, and love of Christ. So refreshing! (Hmm, cue the Sonic metaphor now? hehe)
Keep up the great blog and great work :)
