Thursday, June 25, 2009

Vanilla Root Beer

My friend Jody asked me to try the Vanilla Root Beer to see if it would be comparable to a Root Beer Float. (you know, the way the Vanilla Orange Sprite was reminiscent of a Dreamsicle)

Sorry Jody, but I don't think it does. The Vanilla Root Beer is good. But it doesn't quite capture the flavor of a Root Beer Float. I don't think the vanilla flavoring is strong enough to make a noticeable difference in the root beer. It tasted just like root beer.

I think I will try this again but do a double shot of the vanilla. That might help.

If you like plain root beer, you will like this. If you are looking for something different to try, please refer to any of my previous posts.

2.5 out of 5 Straws
