Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cherry Vanilla Diet Dr. Pepper

A few years ago Dr. Pepper came out with their "Soda Shop" drinks. And the only one that I liked was the Cherry Vanilla Diet Dr. Pepper. I've said this before, but just to remind you, I am not a Dr. Pepper fan. I never have been. I can tolerate Diet Dr. Pepper, but I am not one of those rabid "must have Dr. Pepper five times a day" type of people.

But since I enjoy this particular Soda Shop creation in the can...I figured I would give the Sonic version a whirl.

The Cherry Vanilla Diet Dr. Pepper is better than the one Dr. Pepper produces. But I feel like this is to be expected. It really does have that "soda shop" feel that Dr. Pepper was trying recreate. I am not trying to say that Dr. Pepper missed the mark with theirs, its just that the fountain drink with the flavoring added is soooo much better. I almost hate to say more "real", but I think you would understand what I meant by that. The actual syrups and the fountain carbonation... maybe "fresh" is the word for it.

I really really enjoyed this drink. I would suggest it to anyone who is looking for that soda shop experience and loves a good Dr. Pepper.

4 out of 5 Straws.



Anonymous said...

I love this drink! Great combination!