Thursday, July 30, 2009

Grapple Limeade (Grape Apple Limeade)

The Grapple. It's a combination of a grape and an apple. I actually saw one of these at Kroger the other day. But it cost like $4 for one! That is just silly. So I put this new invention into a Sonic drink combination. Grape Apple Limeade...or The Grapple Limeade.

They use apple juice and grape syrup flavor. I think the grape syrup is stronger than the apple juice. Every now and then I got a little taste of the apple-ness of the drink, but the grape outdoes the apple by a long shot. I think that a straight Grape Limeade would be stronger. The apple tames it down a little bit.

You can try if you like. But it's nothing to brag about.

3.5 out 5 Straws
