Friday, July 3, 2009

I'm back with a Mango Dr. Pepper

First of all I would like to apologize for my absence. It has been the craziest week ever! Including road trips to St. Louis to hang with family, saying good bye to my friends' dog (bye Lexi), road trip to the ATL to see my buddy Brando and meeting his new gf (Hi Libby!), oh and getting to see Beyonce in concert (ALlllll the single ladies, put your hands up!). This week has flown by.

I will say this, I was a little lost without my Sonic. I haven't had any this week. It's been weird.

On to today's drink.

So "Anonymous" posted a nice comment on the Mango Cool Breeze letting me know exactly what in the world was in it. Pineapple, Mango, Cherry, and Sprite. Thank you. They also posted that their co-workers like to put mango in their Dr. Pepper or Coke. So I thought that sounded interesting. And I tried it.

I am not a Dr. Pepper girl. But I really enjoyed it. Mango is one of the sweeter of the flavorings. So it kind of outdoes the Dr. Peppery-ness of the drink. I won't know for sure until I try it but I think that because the Mango is so strong, that if I put it in Coke, it will taste the same as the Mango Dr. Pepper. I will let you know. Overall it's not an over the top amazing drink. But it's good.

3.5 out 5 Straws.



brandon said...

libs says hi back

and mango anything soda sounds gross-o-rama