Monday, August 17, 2009

Cherry Lime Coke

Quite a few of my combinations are over the top, I know. They are more of a treat type of drink, than an everyday standard. They are fun to drink, but just a little too much to handle on an everyday basis.

The Cherry Lime Coke, on the other hand, could very easily become a standard. The Cherry Coke is already something that you could drink day in and day out without getting too tired of it. But then add a Lime, and it creates a nice little zing to the flavor. Its not too much, but just enough to deviate from the traditional Cherry Coke.

This is a combination that I could very easily drink again and again. And I suggest that you do too.

4.5 out of 5 Straws.



Anonymous said...

caramel coke is the best

Tiffany honeybadger Joy said...

Cherry lime diet coke is my fav, diet sprite with watermelon is second.