Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Vanilla Green Apple Sprite

Up until now, there has not been a Vanilla+Flavor+Sprite combination that has rivaled the Vanilla Grape Sprite. None has even gotten close. But like I just said, up until now.

The Vanilla Green Apple Sprite was Fantastic! It completely surprised me. I basically ordered it because I wasn't really feeling creative and I needed to try another flavor with the vanilla sprite. Green Apple popped out at me on the menu. So I thought, ok, why not.

NO IDEEEEAAAAA it would be so good. I thought it would be slightly blah like the cranberry one. But it was full of flavor. It was tart, yet sweet at the same time. Way better than a green apple jolly rancher (which they always make my mouth go numb, not sure why. but that might be a personal problem).

I highly recommend this drink.

5 out of 5 Straws.
