Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Vanilla Peach Sprite

Did you know that there is not a synonym for "refreshing"? At least there isn't according to merriam-webster.com's thesaurus. I just looked it up. I try not use the same adjectives over and over in these posts. I like to keep on my toes when it comes to rhetoric. I don't want to bore you with the same thing over and over. "This drink was refreshing!" But that is the only word for it. I am going to make up a word. I don't know what that word is yet, but I will inform you once I know. I mean if Hanson can make up the word "MMMMBop", I figure I can make up a synonym for refreshing. Plus ANY cold drink in this hot Tennessee weather is refreshing. You can't fault me on that....

Please share with me your suggestions for a synonym. Thanks.

Moving on to my latest refreshing drink... Vanilla Peach Sprite. Hopefully you aren't getting bored with my Vanilla + Flavor + Sprite combinations, but I am enamored by them. And every time a try something new, a whole new world opens up for me.

Let's see if I can figure out what this drink reminds me of.... I am not sure. I was not a huge peach-flavored fanatic when I was little. Only recently have I really started to enjoy it. Peach flavoring kind of has a kick to it. It's not sweet, but not bitter either. I think the vanilla flavoring makes the drink sweet. I am going to try it sometime with just peach. I will let you know what the difference is.

And if you are of age, definitely add vodka. (I know, I know what you are thinking..."what happened to the rum?" But I have to switch up my alcohol just like I need to switch up my Sonic)

Over all...I loved it!

4.5 out of 5 Straws.

Have a refreshing day!