Saturday, June 13, 2009

Orange Cranberry Limeade and a Shout Out to my Carhop

This morning I ordered an Orange Cranberry Limeade. When my carhop brought me my drink she did something that no carhop has done before...she questioned what I had just ordered. And this one is actually quite normal compared to others . I explained to Charity the Carhop, who I might add is a very cheery person, my mission to try as many Sonic combinations as possible. She thought it was "awesome". Thank you to Charity the Carhop for your support. I will be back to see you again soon.

On to my drink...Orange Cranberry Limeade. In my brain, it seemed awesome. But in reality, not so much. I think I was expecting the orange to be orange juice not orange flavored juice. Does that make sense? It was good. Drinkable. But not what I had built up in my mind as the greatest drink ever.

You can drink it if you want. But there are better things out there to try.

3 out of 5 straws.